Monday, August 5, 2013

Yak Snacks July 14, 2013

I can't take credit for this title, but I thought it perfect for today's topic of Yak meat.

I have tried camel tongue in Egypt and rat in Belize, but I can't get myself to eat Yak.  There is something about Yak that bothers me and it is everywhere.

When you think you have found some wonderful noodle dish, at the very bottom of the menu it will say "with tidbits of Yak"....and I'm done.  
Last night we had a very nice tasting soup which I couldn't eat because sitting on the bottom was a huge chuck of meat and after closer examination, Alice and I decided it had to be Yak....and I was done.

Yak butter tea!  Yes, it is just as it sounds....melted Yak butter made into a tea.  I took one smell....and that was it.  I even had to break a deal that I had with Jim.  If he ate my bean curd Popsicle I would take a drink of his Yak butter tea.  I just couldn't do it.

If anyone looked closely when I eat dumplings they would notice that just the ends are gone, leaving the Yak filled centres.

If the truth were known, I am having trouble with much of the food here.  Even my beloved rice isn't appealing. The best parts of any meal are the vegetables - as long as they are not served with tidbits of Yak.

I don't believe I am the only one in our group having a little trouble finding that perfect meal.  I have heard the comments such as: "I need to make another hole in my belt" or "I wonder if they sell belts here" or "I need to get my clothes laundered so they fit again".

I realize that somewhere along the Tibetan tour I am going to have to try the meat, but hopefully I will be able to firstly, get it down and secondly, keep it down!

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