Monday, August 5, 2013

Anniversaries and Yaks July 14, 2013

Jim and Alice spent most of their anniversary in the car, making the journey to Gyanske.  The trip took 7.5 hours, but we saw some spectacular scenery on the way. The road was not particularly good with many wash outs and rough spots.  Thankfully our driver was careful and cautious.

The switch backs terrified me, but thrilled the rest of the passengers. The highest point we reached was 5200 metres and we could certainly feel the difference from Lhasa.  

We made many stops along the way...once to buy food from a woman on the side of the road.  What Dalma purchased, we don't know!   

I had wanted to see yaks and yaks we saw...many of them.  Some of us got closer to the yaks than Fred and I did!   How else would you want to celebrate your anniversary?   
It was a tiring day, but well worth the drive just to see this way of life in Tibet.  Hopefully we will have more of the same tomorrow when we move on to Shigaste.

We stopped for a lunch that only our guide and driver were able to soon as we walked into the building we realized that they heat their stoves with yak dung and the room smelled exactly like that.

They store the yak dung on fences in front of their homes so it is in easy reach after it dries out.

As soon as we stepped out of the van we were surrounded by people selling trinkets.  More money changed hands again today.
 We were introduced to the nomadic life style of Tibet.  Things are far more rustic in the mountains than they are in Lhasa.  Our tour guide was born into the nomad life style so she was able to offer information on their movements and winters homes.

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