Monday, August 5, 2013

Did I Say That?

Up until the last few days I have been dissatisfied with the food, part of it due to the altitude chasing away my appetite.  We are now in the province of Sichuan and I am loving the meals we have been ordering.....spicy but tasty.

Last night when we were hunting for a restaurant that specialized in hot pots, we stumbled upon a friendly waiter from a regular Chinese Restaurant.  He snuck us in the back door of this fancy Hot Pot restaurant down the street from his place.  The staff was quite shocked to see us at their back door but gave us the last table anyway.

To our surprise we had entered a dinner and show type place.  The Chinese performers were dressed to the nines, were very professional and very loud...too loud!

If you have never tried a hot pot, it is a meal meant to socialize over.  You order all types of food to go into a hot broth.  We tried all kinds of mushrooms, pork, thinly sliced beef, tofu, noodles and Bok Choy. 

The food is placed pin the boiling broth for a few minutes and everyone serves themselves from the pot.  Instead of the chicken or beef broth we see at home, the Chinese use oil and hot peppers.  

It is a slow process trying to fill up, but we were able to steam open our pores while eating! 

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