Saturday, July 25, 2015


Only two more days of Asian breakfasts! Not that they are bad breakfasts....on the contrary, they are usually excellent, but I am missing my yogurt, cereal and skim milk. Especially my skim milk.

I just don't want any more omelets, fried rice or soup for my first meal of the day. Even the excellent fruit is becoming boring.

Sometimes the location can make a huge difference on how I feel about the food. Breakfast served right on the Mekong makes one feel much better about the food they are consuming...whether it is better or not.

Today was the typical Asian menu, but it was served on a roof top terrace making it a much more enjoyable meal than it actually was.

1 comment:

alijimpip said...

this almost looks like rooftop of Liberty Hotel.
Is this your hotel?

looks very nice.