Friday, July 24, 2015

The Stinkers

"What's that smell"?  I think we heard that pretty much everyday.

I am almost proud of the fact that I was the first to confess that it was my sandals...almost proud! Although my travelling companions were much too polite to say anything, my sandals started to have regular showers after that ill-advised confession.

Asian hotels always have two toothbrushes ready when you arrive and they soon became my sandal's best friend. The toothbrush, my sandals and the bath gel spent many hours together. I guess it isn't the best idea to only bring the sandals on your feet and not any spares!

Towards the end of the trip, I began to notice strange odours in the vans, in the Tuk Tuks or anywhere there were feet...and the odour wasn't always mine. Suspicion set in and after three weeks in this heat we weren't quite as polite. Comments were plentiful and sometimes a little funny and sometimes a little cruel. Sorry.

After lunch today we thought we might have to have a sandal burial and I actually have a picture of the offenders, but couldn't download just have to take a guess on the sandals size and colour! From now on all pictures will be from the knees up.

The moral of this little blog is to realize that one pair of sandals and 35C heat don't get along. We all brought a pair of runners along, but the heat!!

The reality is that in the beginning of the trip sandal smells were a big thing, but by the time this trip was over we had to admit that we have smelled much worse. Much, much worse!


ars said...

With my Humeny nose and keen sense of smell, I can smell those sandals from here!!
Ditch them before getting back to Saskatoon please ;-)
Safe trips home!! Looking forward to seeing you all. Thanks for the great blog!!

alijimpip said...

They are now buried - may they rest in peace ( and no they weren't mine)