Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Last Day

Sorry for the delay, but we are having huge problems with my I Pad mini. By the way, there is one I Pad mini for sale this week...any takers?

Our last day in Cambodia was a very active and full one. We went for a tour of the floating villages on Tonle Sap Lake. The drive there was something we didn't expect.

The homes were built on stilts because of the rising water levels during the rainy season. We are in the beginning of the rainy season, but the main hit arrives in late August and September.

Once in the lake, we couldn't get too close to the floating villages because of the low water levels right now, but we did get close enough to see the sewage and garbage released by each household. Our guide realizes this is a major problem and he keeps mentioning education.

One cluster of homes was inhabited by Vietnamese while the other was strictly for Koreans. While we were there, the Vietnamese Government was delivering rice, mosquito netting and blankets to the small floating town. The people lined up in their boats waiting their turn...looked like chaos to me, but they seemed to know what they were doing.

After this trip to Tonle Sap we did a bit of power shopping at Pub Street before catching a flight to Laos.

A very full day!!

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