Friday, July 10, 2015


Just when I thought I had seen enough caves, we went to another one today. The difference was that this one was pretty awesome.

We had to walk the last little bit because the small road was damaged from too much overnight rain. On the walk we stopped at a small farmhouse and were shocked by the conditions. The pregnant pig lived right in front of the family's house....we were very reluctant to stroll too close. Unbelievable conditions which can be attributed to no education. 

We left there as soon as we gracefully could and walked rather quickly to the cave. Three girls around 12 years old joined us.  We knew they wanted to lead us into the cave for a fee.

The caves were interesting, but best part were the monkeys. As soon as we got near the cave at least six of seven showed up (our guide said twenty, but what does he know)!

Fred and Jim did some deep cave climbing while Alice and I stayed back with Wong. When asked, she said yes the monkeys would attack and we should move. Can you see why? I think Fred has the photo of the month so far!!


alijimpip said...

What I found surprising at that farmhouse was the fact that there was next to nothing other than a TV and a plastic chair inside .

ars said...

Good photo Fred. That one just makes me feel like yawning ... Funny how that works!