Wednesday, July 5, 2023

So Much Information

 Wednesday July 5th was a full day of religious information following Jesus…..starting with his betrayal by Judas up until his resurrection….. with lots of other information thrown in just to completely confuse me!

Our guide, Ameer, is very knowledgeable and he discussed the history of Israel/Jesus/Mary/King David etc with honesty and passion.

                                                  Ameer explaining the site of The Last Supper

We started the day at Mount of Olives, where Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek betraying him to the authorities. 

The view from high up was pretty special…we could see Temple Mount, the Jewish cemetery with 130,000 graves and old Jerusalem. If you have a spare 100,000 USD you can book a spot in this cemetery!

Overlooking Old Jerusalem 

Jewish Cemetery 

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