Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Yesterday we decided to drive the 120 Kms to Chichen Itza to show Mo and Pat some of the historic Mayan culture.  The drive was easy enough on a toll road and for once the parking was convenient and within walking distance.

The whole area has developed so much since our last visit that it was mind blowing.  They have found temples under temples.  Constant digging!

Even so, the basic pyramid and temples haven't changed that much, except that climbing or even touching the structures is not allowed.  The first time we saw this place, Fred and I [mostly Fred] would climb to the top and roam through the rooms.  It was fantastic.

We saw a young couple try the "jumping/picture taking" routine and it didn't take us long to give that a try.  Coordinating the jump seemed impossible for us old farts!

The weather was perfect, just a tad bit too hot.....maybe more than a tad!  Nothing that a couple of bottles of water couldn't fix.


ars said...

Oh too funny. You guys gotta put a little more effort into those jumps. Doesn't look like it was worth the effort in such heat. But made me laugh.

colleen said...

We did a lot better than that but we couldn't get the picture taker to match with our jumps...always blame the other guy!