Thursday, January 30, 2014

More Haciendas

Why do we always leave our touring until the last week?  It should be a week of packing, washing clothes and buying groceries for Akumal.....instead we are running around seeing things we could have visited five weeks ago!

Yesterday we made a detour to see the Hacienda Yaxcopoil, about 45 kms from Merida.  It was quite the place, not renovated and yet it had everything we wanted to see.

Much of the furniture was still in place as well as some of the equipment used to move the henequen.  It allowed us a chance to see how the owners lived and how the hacienda operated.


ars said...

Wow...pretty amazing! I hope that's not my brother in the 2nd photo...if so, where's his fashion sense....YESH!!

colleen said...

No, but I have to remind him everyday...No socks and sandals!!