Friday, January 10, 2014


The skyline of Merida is something special.  These pictures were taken in the central square called Plaza Grande.  It is the place to be any day of the week, but especially on Sundays when they have regional dancers perform and vendors have set up throughout.  It is a day for the families to dress in their finest and stroll through the park.  Love it!  I will have more next week on the activities in the park.


alijimpip said...

looks very impressive….and clean, and not crowded. Is this a accurate impression or just the shot you took. Have read through the last few postings and it sounds wonderful --- especially all of the walking as that sounds true to " fred and colleen" form.

alijimpip said...

OH…..and i can't believe that you cannot find measuring cups….reminds me of a saying I saw in a kitchen shop…" do we want to cook? or do we want to measure?"

alijimpip said...

and one more thing---that strip of coloured houses on the street…reminds me of ones that were shown on house hunters international. I'm with you--- like the one with the curved wall -- good eye!

colleen said...

The building stands straight and tall...maybe Fred was leaning when he took the picture!