Saturday, February 13, 2016

We Are Not That Important

We had an uneventful flight to Mexico City, but had some difficulty finding our shuttle to the hotel. We asked multiple times and were directed to a large bus that would take us over to Terminal Two and we could walk from there.

We found out later that our hotel shuttle was not allowed on the route due to some big celebrity coming into town. It turned out that big celebrity was the Pope. No wonder there was security every three metres and police cars every thirty. I don't believe I have ever seen that kind of security before. Truly amazing.

Anyway, our ten minute bus ride turned into a forty minute transfer. The hotel recommended that we take an earlier shuttle out in the morning because the same thing was to be repeated.


ars said...

Good to hear Fred will be able to shine up his was looking a little tarnished ;-)

colleen said...

I like it!