Friday, February 19, 2016

Made it Out Again

Our next door neighbour let us know that the blockade has been removed and all traffic is flowing normally. We were still intent on taking the collectivo to Playa Del Carmen so that we could enjoy a few margaritas without the prospect of having to drive back to Akumal.

We did some shopping in Playa and then people watched while cooling down with a moist beverage. We had a late lunch/early supper in a small restaurant just off 5th Avenue. Excellent food and not that expensive.

Fred and I hunted down a store that sold Xtabentun, our favourite Yucatecan honey liqueur. We could find it in many stores, but not the size we needed for carry on.....mission accomplished.

1 comment:

ars said...

Oh, here I thought you were converted and it was a tiny tequila bottle. Don't enjoy it in one gulp!