Wednesday, February 17, 2016


We have heard rumblings of discontent in Akumal and today we got caught in the middle of it. We were coming home from Coba and Casa Cenote and were stopped at the highway entrance to Akumal.

The locals would not let anyone come into Akumal nor would they let anyone leave. They had the road blocked with branches, barrels or anything they could find to stop traffic.

They were not aggressive in the least and I strongly believe they are right. They want the government to stop the sale of the main beach in Akumal to an all-inclusive group. This is their only free and public beach and they want it to remain. I do feel it is a little late in protesting against all-inclusives seeing as there are many, many of them around.

After 30 minutes they moved the trees and let our car go through after we told them we lived in Akumal Norte....a little white lie, but it worked.

The protestors told us not to move tomorrow as they were not going to let any people in or out....not even walkers.

Should be fun if this continues until the day we are to fly out!


ars said...

I agree. I think you should join the Protest Line. Some gringos would look good on the line to reinforce their point.

colleen said...

Cindy suggested we could take lunch to them!