Monday, August 22, 2011

Weather Report

If I was as interested in the weather or weather channel as Fred, you would have received a DAILY report....but I will only give the highlights!

August is in the heart of the rainy and monsoon season so we expected daily rain and sometimes worse. We actually got the opposite of that and had a very dry and hot spell. In fact, the whole trip was stinkin' hot!

We had a few thunderstorms at night, but by morning everything was as it should be.

Not once did we get caught in rain....that is until today. We returned from the Mekong tour and after checking into our room we went for a short walk. We only walked about 100 metres when we were stalled by a sudden downfall, along with fierce thunder and lightning.

We took shelter under a store canopy and before we knew it the shopkeeper had brought chairs for us to use - Kindergarten size, of course.

On our return we were stopped again, only this time by a storm that lasted about an hour. We took refuge in a restaurant and sat in comfortable chairs watching life go on in the rain, drinking a glass of imported wine!

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