Monday, September 16, 2019

Outside of Palermo

This morning we caught the bus to Monreale, 35 minutes outside of Palermo. The town is higher up with some great views of the city of Palermo. 

We found markets galore with some very strange looking stuff! The long green things are zucchini!

The church was beautiful inside and out. We needed tickets to see it all but we are getting cheaper as the trip progresses so we didn’t go, I am getting churched out and castled out!!

BTW, some guy attempted to pick Fred’s pocket on the bus this morning without much luck. Fred never carries money or credit cards unless we are going separate ways. I carry what we need for the day in my flat purse that tucks into my pants (under my top)....almost invisible to a thief.


Cindy said...

Funny looking zucchini lol would be hard to pack! lol bet they taste good though!

ars said...

Wow...the number of chocolate zucchini cakes Don could make with that!