Monday, September 2, 2019

Moving South

Today we moved from Ljubljana to Postojna by Arriva Bus and immediately proceeded to visit the cave system. It was very well done, but I have come to the conclusion that if you have seen one cave you have seen them all.

We had been warned to wear warm clothing to the cave because it can get very chilly....after the last ten days of heat I was thrilled to hear this news...for about ten minutes! It was chilly!

After checking into our hotel, we went for a walk to the town of Postojna to buy water and a bottle of Prosecco.....we have a big balcony that overlooks the valley so we thought that would be our evening activity.

But, Mother Nature had other ideas and we were unable to sit outside. We were waiting for the shuttle bus to take us to the castle when it started to thunder and lightning and then it started to rain and then it started to get windy and then it started to hail! We were soaked by the time we were able to get to our hotel.

Finally at three o’clock the rain eased up enough for us to get to the castle and we were very glad we did. This castle is built into a cave making it quite different from other castles we have visited in this area and other parts of Europe.


ars said...

The castle looks amazing. Hope it wasn't too many steps UP for you!

warmer winters said...

It had a few!!