Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sad State of Affairs

It is a sad state of affairs when everything you own can fit into four totes and two coolers. Nine years in this house and four totes!!

We haven't sold the house but have packed up all our personal items just in case it sells while we are farther south. Gloria and Dennis have offered to take the totes to their spare bedroom, if need be.

We are leaving everything else for the new owners, if we are so lucky to sell. Someone could move in the day they buy and be quite comfortable. Most sellers in Mexico leave their furniture, TVs and dishes just because it is too much of a hassle to get it home. It took nine years to get it down and would probably take just as long to get it back to Canada.

But, four totes!!


Billee said...

Well, nobody can accuse you of being a hoarder!

Cindy said...

4 totes! lol the poor car couldn't take much more! lol