Friday, March 3, 2017


They arrived...right on time. Don and Adelle had to overnight in Phoenix on March 1st to be able to make their Phoenix to Hermosillo connection work out, but everything went rather smoothly and they arrived safe and sound. Don actually made a few life-long friends along the way...I don't know if he made arrangements to meet them on the flight back or in Phoenix itself, but he can tell you when they get to Saskatoon.

The setting on my camera was all mixed up so this is what I got!! Eventually.... a proper arrival photo.

The drive back to San Carlos was a little slow due to heavy road construction, but we were settled into beer mode by 3:00!

Some pico de gallo, an early supper, a little TV and sleep deprivation had Don and Adelle yawning by 7:30 [8:30 Saskatoon time] so the bed was probably a welcome sight!

1 comment:

alijimpip said...

love the artsy could make a poster out of it ..." Yes We Can!"
( however that phrase has been used before I think)