Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Still Around

Our apologies....we are still alive and kicking even if we have been neglecting my blog again...life of a retiree in Mexico.

We made another bus trip into Puerto Vallarta to spend an afternoon with Mike and Mary along with Brenda and Bryan. We met in Bucerias at a beach restaurant that Mike and Mary had visited before.

My cheeks hurt from laughing at the silly jokes that were flying around the table, but the weather was perfect so all was well.

Bryan and I decided to try the house special...a weird margarita that was a little too different for me. As usual, Fred had to finish my left over drink. 

No bus home this time. We took a cab from Bucerias and were home in an hour, all for $20 Cdn.


ars said...

At least you gave it a good try. Proud of you. But, leave it to my brother.... always one to clean up the leftovers!

colleen said...

Nothing goes to waste when Fred is around!