Monday, January 9, 2017

Heading Home

Sometimes getting back to Canada can be a chore! First of all you have to stop being so lazy and get that hair cut you have been putting off for a week.

The day before you leave you have to check out the bus schedule to Puerto Vallarta....just to make sure it departs on time and from the designated departure area.

By the way...the bus never did show up! Different time and different departure point! Maybe a new plan has to be put into effect....negotiating with a combi driver might work!

You and your neighbour have to check out the papayas, making sure they are ripe enough and will be okay until your return.

Once all the preparations are completed, you are on your way!

1 comment:

alijimpip said...

we are ready and waiting ( with some perohy). Safe travels and see you soon.