Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Full Day

We drove to see the scenic overlook this morning....the one that National Geographic rates as the "best in the world". Not sure that I believe all the hype, but it is beautiful.

We visited La Manga and tried to get to the old Catch 22 movie site, but were unable to drive through the bushes and trees. We abandoned the effort after 10 minutes.

I dragged Fred and our visitors to a Zumba competition featuring Cuba, Puerto Rico and Mexico. We received free T shirts and couldn't understand why they wanted us to put them took at least 15 minutes to realize we were at a political rally for the PAN Party.

The zumba was to take place after the speeches and news feeds. A political rally in Mexico is not the place for Canadians so we took our T shirts and went out for supper! Lesson learned.


ars said...

Rats! I was hoping to see photos of Rick Zumba-ing. Next time...right?

colleen said...

He was willing to come along...that is a step in the right direction!

alijimpip said...

you've had a lot of zumba combinations….zumba- flambĂ© and now zumba -politico. and yes I was hoping to see you competing at that Zumba competition GO CANADA!