Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Road of 1000 Topes

We left Teacapan on Tuesday morning and nothing seemed to go right from the moment we got up.  Sorry Ken and Debbie about your Internet and phone service - we didn't see that low hanging line!  After we got untangled, the Teacapan crew sent us on our way saying they would look after the phone company.

The road to Puerto Vallarta area has never been called a good one and we were so hoping that had changed in the last few years.  Our prayers were not answered!

The road winds through the hills and along the beach, but mostly through small towns.  Every small town in Mexico has topes to slow the traffic down and it did slow us down.  It also rattled us to pieces, knocking our bikes off the rack twice.  We were waved down by Mexicans telling us our bikes were about to be dragged on the pavement on two separate occasions...luckily they warned us in time as we were able to save them both times.

The towns have started installing vibradores which are even more effective than topes.  They are harder to see and shake the unit much like high rumble strips would.  It felt like we did have to slow down 1000 times!

We had originally planned to stay in La Penita but after looking at the town we decided to drive to a newer RV Park that was recommended by friends.  We arrived too late to really form an opinion of the place so we will have to wait and see what develops.  All we know is that we are on the beach in a small Mexican town, 80 kms north of Puerto Vallarta.  The temperature is 31C and the water is warm!  Not Caribbean water, but a beach just the same.


ars said...

That RV site looks pretty nice. Tell Colleen she really didn't have to work on weeding the hibiscus plants as soon as she got there ;-)

colleen said...

Pretty good service if I do say so myself!

alijimpip said...

what?? the place also supplies you with a cabana boy? ....OH...just read ARS comment -- sorry colleen -- a cabana girl :-)

colleen said...

No - not cabana girl. Robere is the gardener and when a new unit parks, he is right on top of it - weeding and spading for about an hour. Nice touch.