Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cannons, Maggie and the Bed

We arrived one week ago and for one week we have had to deal with a terrified dog.  We don't quite understand the religious ritual, but the cannons [like bird cannons up close] are fired starting early in the morning, sometimes as early as 4:00am and sometimes as late as 6:00am.  They are again fired at 6:00pm.

They often are fired during the day...we can't figure out a regular schedule.  It's not just one shot, more like twenty random firings over a period of an hour or more.

Like many of the dogs in the park, Maggie is frightened of the noise and the safest place for her appears to be in the bedroom.  She will also crawl into a corner and stand there staring at the walls.  It is a sad sight to watch.  No amount of petting or holding will calm the shaking.

This is supposed to end on December 12th and I hope that is true because today is December 12th!!!!!  It is getting so bad that she refuses to come back into the park when Fred takes her for a walk.

Some mornings we thought she was just playing us to get on the bed, but after a night like last night that is no longer a consideration.  The cannons started at 6:00 pm last night and continued all night long.  Maggie didn't know what to do - eventually she decided the pillows were the safest place, forcing one of us out bed.  Guess who finally left?

We have been cannon free since 7:00 am and we are keeping our fingers crossed!


ars said...

I think Fred looks worse off. Maggie looks quite
Here's wishing you a quiet cannon-free day...otherwise I assume you will be heading out of there sooner than planned!

colleen said...

We had a wonderful and refreshing sleep last night - no cannons!