Sunday, February 26, 2012

Raising Pesos

Last Sunday we took part in THE WALK FOR LIFE adventure. This program was started to raise funds for mammograms. Pap tests and prostate screening for the people of Guaymas and San Carlos. We, along with 300 other people, walked from La Palapa to Charly's Rock and back - around 6 kms.

The weather was perfect for the walk and the events that followed. Most people stayed for drinks and lunch and listened to Danny play his awesome music.

UPDATE: There were 381 walkers at the Caminata por la vida - we raised 83 000 Pesos which is enough for 237 mammograms!


ars said...

Man, I must be on the wrong training program....I thought GATORADE was the recovery drink. I'll have to switch to Dos Equis!!
Good job you two!

colleen said...

Gatorade comes during the is always after!