Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shrimp for Home

We had asked Abel to bring fresh, grande shrimp this morning so we could get it ready to freeze and take home. We were under the assumption that it would take us the better part of a morning to clean them, but Abel and his boys volunteered and the job was completed in 15 minutes.

This is the only way to clean three kilos of those nasty little things!


ars said...

Make sure those Salt & Pepper Pistachios also make it all the way home to coat the shrimp. I'm dreaming of them already.

colleen said...

We stopped to pick up the Pistachios and they were sold out.

Just kidding.

Snowflake said...

You could bring the Baileys' some of those peanuts we used to buy in we can eat them with the beverages after our golf games!!!

colleen said...

Works for us.

May even sneak a Tecate over the border for 'Tecate Tuesday'.