Tuesday, November 19, 2019


When we arrived in Jumbo Rocks we took our apple cores out of the truck and put them in the belly of the Jayco to go into the garbage later. To make a story short, we forgot and the next morning we found that something had gotten into the belly and found our apples.

We set out traps and by the evening we had caught a Kangaroo Rat by the side of the 5th wheel….just looks like a large mouse with a long tail.

Nothing else showed up so we thought we had cleaned up all the mess. Until tonight!

I went to the pantry to get some juice and could smell something that reminded me of the shed when we caught mice out there.

Fred took the cover off the water system [which is in the bottom of the pantry] and sure enough we had caught a rat in there….we don’t remember even putting the trap in there….must have been in the spring when we did our spring cleaning of the unit.

Now I won’t put my feet down on the floor because I think there may be more hanging around!

BTW, these rats look just like mice so to make ourselves feel better we will try to call them mice from now on…Kangaroo Rat is just a name!!

Another BTW....we caught two more rats in the belly of the 5th wheel before we left Jumbo Rocks...the good news is that we haven't caught any for two days!!