Saturday, November 3, 2018

Not a Particularly Great Arrival

We made excellent time from Green Valley and were in San Carlos by noon. At 2:15 we were finished unloading the car...not everything was in its place but at least it was out of the car.

Around 4:00 we went to a neighbour's house to gain access to their Internet so we could E Mail family about our arrival. We weren't gone long, but it was long enough for a thief to enter the house and grab my wallet which had both ATMs and both drivers licenses. I had a small amount of cash in my wallet so that was gone, but the big haul for him was from our safe where he found 15, 000 P [about 1200 Cdn].

Because we were not more than 60 feet from out front door we didn't lock up so the theft is partially on our shoulders. Our neighbours say that this is only the second time they have heard of a theft in Tecalai in 15 years...damn, it had to be us!

The thief left our passports, tourist visas and all of our credit cards. He only had eyes for pesos...he left behind Canadian money and a fair amount of US cash.

We assumed that he would dispose of my wallet as soon as possible so we, along with neighbours, started a search and just by luck we found a wallet at the bottom of a bag of leaves. Not my wallet, but the wallet of our 97 year old back door neighbour....he wasn't stopping at just one house!

The police became involved and now we have to spend precious time in the police station. Darn again!

A few years ago, I applied for a third ATM through the Prairie Centre Credit Union just in case something like this we used it just to make sure it worked. So, we will be fine as long as the PCCU doesn't shut that one down too on Monday.

We are going to try to replace our ATMs, health cards and drivers licences through the Internet and phone system, but just in case we can't....Adelle, be ready for a phone call!

Even if they do, neighbours and friends have offered to get us cash and with E Transferring it will be easy to repay.

On a pleasant note, it took Telmex less than 24 hours to get our Internet up and running compared to their usual 8 days. No phone yet, but we are hoping!

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