Monday, November 2, 2015

Just in Time

We had one of the easiest border crossings we have ever had and were at our house in San Carlos by 12:00.

We had a pleasant surprise in store for us as Chuyita and her son worked for two days getting the house ready for us. They had washed all the dishes, cupboards, windows etc. They had also taken the time to move our outside furniture back outside. That was a godsend as it takes us hours to do that ugly task.

Chuyita is the Mexican woman we hire year round to take care of our house..she comes every two weeks while we are gone and every three weeks when we are around. She is fantastic.

All we had to do was unload the car and change our bedding. That gave us plenty of time to go to the clubhouse for Hallowe'en Mexico style. Each resident contributes candy to the community basket and it is given out to the guard's children and friends.

A BBQ followed but we instead went to our favourite Italian Restaurant...maybe too many fatty foods on the way down?

Zena blew a shoe and was not a happy camper!


ars said...

I assume you two dressed up as Snowbirds, right?

colleen said...

Very hot snowbirds!

ars said...

Oh, you must mean SEXY hot ;-)