Thursday, March 27, 2014


Just when you think Zumba may be getting little boring, the Mexicans throw in a twist.  Some of the ladies, along with the instructor, showed up for class in retro costumes.

The hour was spent doing routines to Michael Jackson, Olivia Newton John and many other oldies. It was lots of fun, giving Zumba a different look.

If you are wondering why I had my camera at the gym....I always take it to record new Zumba routines for home.


ars said...

Colleen, I like your new afro and sparkly top ;-)

colleen said...

I thought it was pretty special....for Manuel, that is!

alijimpip said...

you might also want to record the costumes for home too……must say it adds " something" -- I'm not going to say what --- but it is something!