Thursday, February 20, 2014


We arrived at our hotel in Orizaba, did a fast check in and were being helped to our room when the elevator quit. We were stuck between the first and second floors!

This usually doesn't bother either of us, but today we left Maggie in the car while we ran our stuff up to the room and the temperature was 32C.  I started to get really worried after one hour in the to explain to a non English speaking staff that they must remove our dog from the car and keep her with them?

Generally, Mexicans are afraid of dogs and one of Maggie's size terrifies them.  We had a problem on our hands.

The good thing was the hotel had an elevator technician on staff, the bad news was he was stuck on the elevator with us.

He was extremely frustrated trying to give directions to the front desk staff.  They had no concept of what he was telling them.  After an hour, a gentleman showed up and manually lowered the elevator and we were free.

Fred immediately ran to Maggie...she was just fine, in the shade and sleeping.  She even refused to get out of the car, until Fred tricked her with "cats"!


ars said... had me worried until the end. That would have been tragic. I'm glad there was a happy ending to the story.

alijimpip said...

i don't think annie should read this --- she is scared of GOOD elevators and then the locked in pooch….nightmare material.