Monday, February 10, 2014

One of the Few Remaining Beaches

Tulum beach, south of Tulum ruins, is one of the few remaining wide open beaches left in the Mayan Riviera. It's a wonder that some large corporation hasn't moved in yet.  There are a few all-inclusives near by, but nothing on this beach as of yet.

Playa Tulum has always been known as a bohemian beach, with many old hippies struggling to hang on to their memories and dreams.  The air always has a different smell here!

The accommodations are rustic to say the least...something like we might have stayed in years ago.  If you need to hide from someone or something, this is the place!

We took the combi to the beach this morning and the drive was a nightmare.  The driver had no concept of speed and safety.  He drove between 160 and 170 km/h for much of the way and while doing this he was on the radio.  The van was swaying and getting much too close to the ditch.  I was a nervous wreck and was so glad to put my feet on solid ground.

The drive home was far more pleasant and within the proper speed limits.  Much happier!

We never did get to the Tulum ruins as we have been there so many times that it was on the bottom of our list.  Nevertheless, they did look impressive from a distance.

I love the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean. So blue!


ars said...

Yes, we stayed at Dreams Tulum a few years ago and walked for miles down the beach to only see a few deserted condos or hotels. I'm sure there are a few people we know that would "hide" there in their time ;-)

fh said...

I love this area. The water and sand are perfection.

alijimpip said...

Yes - this is what we remember about the Mayan. The sand and warm turquoise water. 99

alijimpip said...

The combi drive almost sounds like the white knuckle drive we had to the rice terraces. Although we had a good driver - it was just the nervous passengers!