Sunday, December 4, 2011


The movie Catch 22 was filmed in San Carlos in the late 60's and there are a few ruins of the set that remain today. We drove through desert and cacti to get to the old runway and some of the buildings.

Not much is left, but amazingly vandals have not destroyed what is there. I think a revisiting of the movie is now a requirement!

We may have looked a little strange walking with our heads down and high-stepping through the desert - we had been told there were snakes in the area and one of us is terrified of the little creatures!


SenorPing said...

I have the movie on DVD in Eatonia if you wish to borrow it!!

colleen said...

I will do that when we get back. Thanks Doug. Are you home or still in Mesa?

alijimpip said...

We were going to watch it tonight --- but there's no way I'll be able to stay up past 10pm...see what you've done to me!