Friday, December 4, 2009

Then There Were Two

Think of it this way! One poinsettia plant [even though it was a large one], one tennis ball and one 80 pound Golden Retriever named Maggie. Which one of these would come out ahead? Off we go to Guaymas tomorrow!


Snowflake said...

I would love to see the pictures of the aftermath of that one!!!!

colleen said...

It was pretty pathetic.

ars said...

Well, at least Maggs will have a one-of-a-kind designer Poinsetta Collar for Xmas. It's what all the Mexican dogs are wearing this season!

colleen said...

She loves it.

Bizee said...

How old is Maggie?? Grant and I were reminiscing about Wojo the other day. :) We've got a Goldendoodle and for some reason we were talking about Wojo, too. :)

Dogs just wanna have fun, huh?


colleen said...

Sorry I didn't catch this post earlier. Maggie is three and one half years old and is a purebred Retriever. They seem to be much harder to train than the mixed version like Wojo. I love Goldendoodles, but I hear they can take on some of the hyper-activity of Goldens. Hi Grant! [and Trina too]

Bizee said...

Honestly, our GD is an amazing dog! She's crazy smart and social and yes, she can be very energetic. But after a bit of training (for us and her! Ha!) she is an amazing family dog! I'd recommend this breed for anyone. After our last shedding friend, the fact that we have zero shedding with this dog is an absolute bonus, as well!