Friday, December 18, 2009

Full Day of Hired Work

On Wednesday I allowed myself to get dehydrated while working out at the gym and yesterday I paid for it. Everything tasted salty and believe me, I tried all kinds of fluids from beer to pineapple juice, cranberry juice and water. I couldn't drink anything without tasting salt!

I had planned for a day of rest, but Chuyita arrived to clean the house. When she cleans we must move outside as she starts at one end and doesn't stop until she has moved and cleaned everything. Being outside was not the most comfortable either as Natcho was painting the house and we struggled to find a dry place to sit.

Chuyita brought her daughter, Paulla, as the schools were closed for the day. Fred and I spent five hours trying to entertain this little girl - we went for walks with her and the dog, she rode my bike and she ate us out of ice cream and cookies. She was a sweetie and we enjoyed the day immensely, even though we could not understand a word she said and being nine years old, she said a lot!! For that matter, we can't understand a word her mother says either. Everything is done by gestures and head nodding! We are never certain of what we are agreeing to!


ars said...

I think you might have agreed to become her full-time babysitter!
She looks like a sweetie and a new playmate of Maggie's!

colleen said...

She was a great kid!