Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Adios Amigos

We are leaving San Carlos early tomorrow morning and it is not easy to say good-bye. We will be leaving behind many excellent memories and many good friends. It was our winter home and probably will be for many years to come. In fact, we are in the process of early discussions on the purchase of a house in Tecalai [a park next door to Totonaka]. We are also looking seriously at the purchase of a lot that can be developed around our 5th wheel.

During the almost three and one half months we have been here, we have refreshed our memories as to why we love Mexico. We have toured much of this country, whether it be in a Volkswagon van or a truck camper and so are now content to sit in one spot, even though it is not my beloved Yucatan.

We have relearned many things during our stay, such as when showering, always rinse what you have washed immediately for the water may shut off for no reason or the hot mysteriously disappears. We have [or should I say Fred has] developed arm muscles filling the washing machines by pail because there is no water pressure. Never expect something to be completed in a day because this is truly manana land.

The Athletic Centre was a wonderful find and we went there four days out of seven. I would go everyday if my body would let me, but at my age I'm happy with what I do.

Tomorrow we are heading to Tucson for a couple of days to pick up my birthday present, a new laptop and we will then head to Naco for a few days of golfing and to pick up our new sink. We will be out of touch for a few days as there is no Internet where we are going.

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