Friday, January 10, 2020

Counting Down

We left San Carlos on the 7th of January with the thought of spending two days in Tucson revisiting some places that we used to stop at regularly...the Church and the historic downtown came to mind.

But...that idea didn't go far. we were pretty tired after our whirlwind trip to San Carlos so we spent the better part of two days just recuperating in the room. We did venture out for gas and to pick up a few things for Fred's bike!

Yesterday we drove to the Crowne Plaza Golf Resort in Chandler Arizona and will spend two days here before moving the truck to storage and flying to Cancun. Downtown Chandler is a bit of a reminds us of a small Banff with local artists displaying their pottery and many restaurants.

We are looking forward to getting back to Mexico for the rest of the winter and getting some real heat. This travelling around with the RV sounded good when we planned this winter but moving from place to place is not easy. If we take the RV again, we will sit in one spot for two or three months and really get to know the area.

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