Sunday, November 23, 2014

Friends and Their Toys

Thank goodness for friends who have all kinds of water toys!  Today we had a chance to try out the best.

Friends from Blackstrap brought two water bikes down to Mexico so they could cruise the waters of the Sea of Cortez in comfort.  They have a water bike rental business at Blackstrap and thought they could share the toys with their friends here.

Another friend brought his boat into the bay "just in case".  The bikes are almost impossible to tip over so it may have been a little much, but for us newbies it was a great relief to have Gary there.

It was such a fun day with many of the 25 people at our table getting out on the water and thoroughly enjoying the bikes.  Only one person got wet and of course, it was me! As I tried to bring the bike into shore, a wave hit me and down I went.

I'm sure we will be doing more of this type of bike riding!


ars said...

Wow! That just might get Don down there for a visit (besides seeing you guys of course!)
We'll have to check him out at Blackstrap too this summer.

SenorPing said...

Looks great! I am envious.