Tuesday, December 31, 2013

International Flair

We have been walking for hours each day and often end up at our favourite outdoor restaurant, not far from our apartment.  Yesterday was no exception.

While we were enjoying our beer we noticed something that caught our attention.  Right in front of us there were five different nationalities represented....can you find all five?  To be fair, you wouldn't know that the gentlemen beside us were from Argentina - okay, find the other four!

As you can maybe tell from this "nothing happening" blog, we are truly being lazy.  For the first time since I have been retired we have nothing on the table.....no renovations, no yard work, no RV cleaning or setting up, no house cleaning, no laundry, no gym, no golfing, no farm work, no selling of land, no subbing at school, no family to check on....absolutely nothing!!


ars said...

You poor souls....I can give you a few items from my "To Do" list if you'd like ;-)

Enjoy...it's about time!

colleen said...

This doing nothing could get boring!