Sunday, March 24, 2013

Two Out of Three....

Two sick and one to go!  With Fred and Maggie both under the weather, we have a pretty quiet household.

Fred appears to be having a problem with his pinched nerve again so he is not very mobile.  I was sent on a mission to Totanaka RV Park to borrow a neck brace from friends.  He has been wearing that and using Dr. Ho to relieve the pain.  Keep your fingers crossed!

On the Maggie front, we don't know the problem yet.  She is having trouble walking and the Vet suspected she had Valley Fever.  Valley Fever is common in Arizona and parts of Mexico.  It is a virus in the soil that attacks the lungs of a dog and if left too long it will move into the joints.

All tests came back negative, but the Vet wanted to send her X Rays to Obregon to have a specialist check her for bone cancer.  That, too, came back negative!

He now suspects she fell and sprained a takes a long time to heal so Maggie is no longer allowed to walk very far. And, she is to walk on the beach as the vet says the desert grass stems are too hard on her paws unless she wears booties...can you imagine a 90 pound Golden Retriever wearing booties?

What is next on the sickness agenda?


ars said...

I hope The Magster gets well enough for Don's Boot Camp in July. She'd hate to miss that (I'm sure!!)
Hope both are on the mend real soon.

colleen said...

Things are looking up!