Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Raising Chickens

I think we have raised the biggest chicken of all time. Maggie is afraid of absolutely everything and she appears to be getting worse as she ages.

Last night was a good example. We left the screen doors open and after a few hours in a deep sleep we feel this big lump on our feet. The wind had started to rattle the blinds and that put her in a tailspin.

That problem was solved and we were back in the sleep mode when this big lump appears again! This time it was a small outside ornament that was moving in the wind. This was a strong breeze, not a serious wind!

Another problem solved! Sleep again, but not for long as Fred's backpack was hanging on a chair outside our bedroom in the inner courtyard. That backpack may attack at any moment! Back on the bed and growling!

Okay, enough. Wait, don't go to sleep yet! The fireworks have started and that meant that big lump wanted to sleep on our pillows.

We do have a king sized bed but it wasn't meant for two adults and a 90 pound Golden Retriever.

Both Fred and I had to get up early for other commitments but Maggie could sleep all day - and she did!


ars said...

All I can say is that your guests arriving in a few days have been trained to withstand the wind AND the Boogie Man. At least you won't have 5 in your bed!

colleen said...

Thank God!