Sunday, January 23, 2011

Baseball Playoffs

Friends of ours had an extra ticket to a playoff game in Obregon so when they offered, I jumped at the chance to join them. This was the second game of the final series in the Mexican Pacific Coast League. The winner goes to the Caribbean Finals in Puerto Rico.

I have heard nothing but good things about baseball in Mexico and I was not disappointed. Mexicans love the sport and last night was an example of the dedication to their team. It was loud, wild and great fun. Dancers perform on the field between every inning and vendors sell the strangest things in the stands. Strange to me, at least!

The selling of the beer was something that was uniquely Mexican! When we arrived, large pails full of beer and ice were sitting at the end of many rows. To buy a beer you had to signal one of the "cup vendors" who would pour you a beer and walk away. I was at a loss until one of my Mexican companions told me that people pay when they leave - payment is based on the number of cups in your stack. I assume it was because of the large crowd , but I did see some vendors keeping notes. My friend also told me that some people choose to pay immediately for their beer and that is acceptable too.

Three of my five travelling companions: Oscar, Pado and Barb!

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