Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dolphin Sightings

The Book Fair! I go every month, grab a few books I don't want and then I even give a donation for the books. Why? Our house is filled to the brim with these books, but I can't resist.

Adelle, on the ride back I spotted the dolphins across the street from our community. They were putting on a spectacular show close to the beach. The ten or so dolphins were entertaining a large group of people, most with cameras. I think I was the only one without one. Fred had gotten bored at the book sale and left me for better shopping elsewhere...and he was the one with the camera! This was a great photo op, one that will be repeated many times in the next five months so there will be pictures coming.


Snowflake said...

They really do know how to entertain the tourists, don't they!! Looking forward to seeing some photos!!!

ars said...

Aaahhh....they are a sight to see - even if I only caught their show once last winter. Good to hear they are back entertaining once again!