Sunday, December 23, 2007

Athletic Club San Carlos

I tried to mentioned previously that San Carlos has remained relatively unchanged, but we are now finding that this is not completely true. This little village/aged hippy haven now has a new Athletic Club just two blocks from Totonaka. It is a state-of-the-art centre with a small lane pool, tennis court, basketball nets, cafeteria, Pilates room, spinning room, wall climbing, baby sitting services along with excellent machines.

We are now in such pain and we hurt in places we didn't know we had! We decided to join the club and have been working out daily since we started. That, along with our daily bike rides, should keep us young. You think?

1 comment:

ars said...

Don is glad to hear you are both "in motion". Noone should kick sand in your faces anymore. Keep it up! Does this mean you plan to join us in Sydney for the Masters Games - marathon??