Saturday, July 15, 2023


After such a long time away from Egypt we weren’t surprised by the changes we saw today.  The roads leading up to the pyramids are definitely new and the structures around the Sphinx are all different. 

Regardless, the ancient sites were thrilling to see! Our first stop was the Pyramids of Giza and then we went to the hill for a panoramic view of the area.  

The Sphinx hasn’t changed much, just the access to the site is different….still a pretty impressive visit

Our last two stops were at Memphis and Saqqara….this is where we saw the most change. The grounds around Saqqara have been excavated whereas before there was only the Step Pyramid to be found. Alice wins the prize for the best pose….and if she gives me permission I will show you tomorrow!


Don Juan said...

You have our attention now....what did Alice do?
The photo of the pyramids in a distance with people in front certainly give you a perspective of how big they really are...and how in hell did they build them!!!

Cindy said...

Wow amazing sights! Can’t wait to see the picture!