Monday, September 9, 2019

Wrong Idea

In case you get the impression that we spend all our time in unique bars, we did visit the castle this morning. Plus we did some serious stair climbing while looking for the cable car. Closed due to weather! It was sunny and hot but a bit windy so that may have caused the closure.

The castle seems to be where some scenes from the Game of Thrones were filmed. I always thought that Dubrovnik was the major filming location but all the write ups say that Northern Ireland was the used the most.

We could feel the burn after the morning of climbing the back way to the castle and then climbing some more! Hence, the need for the cave bar!!


ars said...

Wow, you guys are going to have quads like speed-skaters by the time you are home with all the stair climbing!

Cindy said...

wow you are going to be in amazing shape when you get home! lol and no wonder you need to find all the good bars! lol keep enjoying them!