Tuesday, March 5, 2019


For two years we have dragged around 00 flour so we could make pasta whenever we had spare time in Mexico....obviously not the same flour each time!

As for spare time...we seem to think that we have none!

Finally after much procrastination we made the big leap today and made fresh pasta. It turned out great...with a little bit of lemon, white wine and butter sauce.

The only glitch in whole process was that our old rolling pin sort of fell apart. Other than that, there wasn't any arguing or disagreeing! Well maybe a little. Fred thought he was a better mixer than me and I quote "you are going too fast and making a mess. Let me do it". Works every time!


Cindy said...

Looks great!

colleen said...

It was excellent..the only problem was that we didn't roll it as thin as we would have liked.