Sunday, November 23, 2014

Friends and Their Toys

Thank goodness for friends who have all kinds of water toys!  Today we had a chance to try out the best.

Friends from Blackstrap brought two water bikes down to Mexico so they could cruise the waters of the Sea of Cortez in comfort.  They have a water bike rental business at Blackstrap and thought they could share the toys with their friends here.

Another friend brought his boat into the bay "just in case".  The bikes are almost impossible to tip over so it may have been a little much, but for us newbies it was a great relief to have Gary there.

It was such a fun day with many of the 25 people at our table getting out on the water and thoroughly enjoying the bikes.  Only one person got wet and of course, it was me! As I tried to bring the bike into shore, a wave hit me and down I went.

I'm sure we will be doing more of this type of bike riding!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

About Time

Finally a new fridge!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Working Hard

Today was a Mexican holiday, the gym was closed so we decided to spend the free time making pickled jalapenos.  Last time we made a batch they were too mild so today we went all out and removed very few seeds.

We cut and cleaned ten kilos of peppers and ended up with 27 half pints of pickled sweet jalapenos.  It was a time consuming process, but well worth the effort.

As you can see from the pictures, the fumes were a little overpowering.  I had to double glove to make sure my hands didn't burn too much.  No rubbing of the eyes today!

Total cost of the peppers: $17.00

Sunday, November 16, 2014

New Favourite

Alice and Jim, you may recognize the owner but you wouldn't recognize the restaurant.  JJ has moved from his old spot to a newly built establishment closer to the Marina.  A little harder to get there on the bikes, but we manage!

The food hasn't changed and JJ still has some of the coldest Pacifico in San Carlos.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


We always seem to be in reno mode and nothing has changed down here.  It is a minor renovation to the yard, but it will keep us busy for a short time.

When we arrive in October, the weeds are out of control and it takes a lot of hard work to get our small yard back in shape.  We have decide to cement over every piece of bare soil that we can find, except for two small areas.

Rosemary is a perennial in Mexico and it can grow somewhat wild.  We planted some a few years ago and the plant is thriving so we have left that area untouched.  Any other plantings we do will be in pots.

Maggie is not herself so we have started her on baby aspirin to see if that helps.  We think she may have pain from arthritis, but are hoping she is just suffering from the heat and humidity that has settled into the area.  Keeping her wet down doesn't seem to work, though.

We will see how she feels after this weekend as the humidity is supposed to drop to 60% for a few days.  That should tell us more about her health.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


We had a stressful drive down to Mexico, mostly due to the strong winds we fought part of the way. A minor RV problem held us up a bit, but nothing too serious.

We were pleasantly surprised upon our arrival at our house as Chuyita had everything spotless and almost all of our outside furniture in place. That was a huge time saver.

We were busy the first few days getting the RV cleaned out and stored. We had to buy groceries, set up our TV and get our phone and Internet hooked up.

We arrived on Saturday and by Thursday things were completed and I was able to get to the gym. Oh my, how I hurt!

The weather is perfect, maybe being a little too hot.  I'm not complaining, but....