We have spent many hours trying to get Fred's Uncle Bill settled after his stroke. He is now in Heritage Manor in Kindersley and is getting more adjusted every day.
Our house renovations seemed to take up the rest of our time. Fireplace completed, closet doors completed, laundry room completed, backsplash completed, grade beam poured and completed, stair faces completed, along with many other small jobs around the house.
We are ready to move the Jayco to town and start packing! We are eager to move!
Maggie needs to receive her shots and get a haircut before we can say we are moving. To be truthful, we also need to get our shots [flu] and a haircut so we can't blame anything on Mags.
Two weeks tomorrow we should be in Helena, Montana enjoying a glass of wine. We will try to keep in touch throughout the winter as we are venturing farther south in December and January.