It was there for the taking so Adelle, a friend, Dennis, and I took full advantage of the situation. We climbed and survived Tetakawi!!
How tough could it really be? Well, here are a few telltale quotes:
- 1/2 way up, Dennis said, "I may consider doing this again - maybe once a year - it builds character."
- 2/3 the way up, Fred asked himself, "Are we nuts??? We may make it up, but how will we get back down?"
- Adelle said, "So did Colleen say to go to the left of the boulder? Or to the right? Well, let's just take this shortcut right through the trees and bush and I'm sure we'll meet the trail."
- at the top Dennis said, "I think I'm going to look into buying a sailboat - much better use of time. But then there's the maintenance thing."
- "I'm not really that good at this part." - Dennis says within the first 30 seconds of our descent.
- 1/3 the way down Adelle said, " Whoops - watch out! Big boulder coming your way! Sorry Dennis."
- 1/2 way down Dennis said, " I would do this again - maybe in 5 years."
- "How the hell did Colleen do this? I think she made this up! She must have PhotoShopped her image into those pictures".
- "Is that a car down there behind our truck? If it's Colleen and Els, do you think they brought beverages?"
We Came, We Saw, WE CONQUERED!! And for two Flatlanders, it was quite the accomplishment!!